Voiding Dysfunction
Voiding dysfunction is a broad term referring to any abnormality associated with emptying your bladder. It can manifest with a wide range of symptoms which can include difficulty in emptying bladder, urinary hesitancy, slow or weak urine stream, urinary urgency, urinary frequency or dribbling of urine. Causes of voiding problems can be a dropped bladder, previous pelvic surgery, pelvic floor muscle spasm, neurologic disease or a weak bladder muscle.
Specific conditions that fall within the scope of voiding dysfunction include Urinary Incontinence and Interstitial Cystitis.
Voiding dysfunction can be complex and difficult to treat. To determine the cause of your voiding dysfunction, our staff will perform an extensive workup. Your treatment will then be individualized, based on the findings of that workup.
If you suffer with any of the symptoms of voiding dysfunction, make an appointment with our office. Dr. Chaudhry and her staff have the experience and training to help.